Friday, January 25, 2008

Winter is the time for gardeners to grow

No, I don't mean our waistlines from all the sitting around reading and writing and planning. Or growing plants indoors though many of us do. I'm talking about learning more about our preoccupation. We read books, magazines, newsletters and the internet, we attend workshops and conferences, and we take time to organize, digest and internalize what we learn.

Today I sent in my five dollars to reserve a place in a beekeeping workshop at the Genesee Conservation District. It sounds fun! I'd like to keep bees, although Herb is to say the least circumspect. He keeps saying things like, bees sting people.
Well, I probably won't get a hive this year, what with the economy and being on a budget and all. But it will be fun to learn. And speaking of budgeting, the CSA organic gardening workshops I posted about a few days ago are a great deal - if I plan to help out, as a CSA subscriber I can attend for free! HOW COOL IS THAT! I though Pat's organic vegetables and greens were first rate last year, and we had more than we could use (so I froze some and gave away some). Now I get to combine the pleasure of being around like minded people, learning good skills, and I can bring my veggies home the same day! Yipee!


Uluwene said...

Hello. I found your Blog yesterday when I was doing a Robert Burns search and your Feb. 24, 2007 post came up. What a surprise when I discovered you are in Genesee county, right next door to my county, Lapeer. What fun to find a Blogger right next door.

I am sure you will enjoy your bee keeping class from the Genesee CD. Honey bees are gentle creatures.

If you volunteer in lots of places, as your bio seemes to indicate I am curious if you work in the herb gardens at Crossroads Village. We might have run into each other as our family volunteers at the Carousel from time to time.

Betsy said...

Hi Uluwene,
Thanks for stopping by! Yes the Genesee County Herb Society takes care of the Doctor's Medicinal Herb Garden and the Eldridge House gardens at Crossroads. We have been there for over twenty years now, and our gardens are more of the original intent of historically accurate that Crossroads used to promote. The Crossraods Carousel is a hidden jewel in Genesee County isn't it!