Thursday, January 06, 2011

"Always dark... no sun... snow flying all the time, terrible storms, cold, very cold, and a great deal of ice there."
- Inuit description of Hell, recounted on Baffin Island, 1862


Anonymous said...

This really is some really good information. I came across lots of things that I am looking for.

Summer said...

LOL! An excellent description! Are you enjoying the February thaw as much as I am? :)

Betsy said...

Hi Summer, Yep, the January thaw is Happenin' here in February:) I was outdoors this morning, taking advantage of this wonderful window of opportunity to hack back the Messy-canthis in the front yard, in hope that it won't be a source of ugly flying debris in March and April. Make hay while the sun shines, as they say.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting - I read your apology for blog neglect on your blog, and am similarly guilty as charged. I'm barely able to keep up with Facebook, and FBF are more responsive, which adds to the blogging problem. Well, it was fun while it lasted, and I may do more but only time will tell.

Summer said...

Oh, I didn't know you were on Facebook. I'll have to "look you up" ;)